Thursday, July 21, 2005

I read this in a book called “Experiential Storytelling” by Mark Miller:

“What if we were to take our message and begin speaking the language of the natives? Instead of telling people Jesus is the light of the world, what if we showed them the stark difference between light and darkness?
What if we removed all the argumentative language, replaced it with beautiful narratives, and let people feel the power of the story? Instead of trying to convince people to accept a list of spiritual laws, how about placing individuals in the story, allowing them to learn and interact with God’s character? What if we told our story in a holistic manner engaging all of the God-given senses? What if...?”

I had to re-read that paragraph a few times. It was very powerful to me. Telling people about Jesus is so powerful and such an important part of pushing God’s kingdom forward. But when you match up telling people, with showing people, I think the impact you make is so much greater.

But as I read that paragraph over again, I could not help but ask how many Christians are able to show the world “the stark difference between light and dark?” Do we even know how stark of a difference it really is? How are we really able to speak in beautiful a way that people can feel the power of the story?

I know this is really basic, but it all comes down to knowing and understanding the word of God. We can try as hard as we can to learn the “lingo” of our time and read book after book about all the different cultures in our midst, but if we do not have a love for God’s word, how can we possible tell the Story to those we encounter as if it were real?

I love to read, it does not really matter the genre, but something different happens to me when I read God’s word. I cannot even compare my experience to reading any normal book to my experience of reading the scriptures. The bible is so alive to me. It is almost like a living, breathing organism. As I read different passages of scripture I feel drawn into the stories, into the lives of the men who were used to write the passages. As I read the Gospels, I imagine myself following Jesus around and sitting at his feet, hearing his teaching. I play out the battle scenes and stories in my head like I was watching them in a movie theater. As I read God’s word my heart is captivated and my soul feels so charged, at home, at rest.

We need to speak the language of the natives. Do you know what they want? They want to hear something authentic. Something real. Its time for us to engage the Story with all of our God-given senses. Its time for to fall passionately in-love with God so we can stop talking about God and start talking like we know Him.

So...question for those who want to share. Do you remember a time when reading God’s word shifted from a “to-do” to something that you were passionate about?