Monday, January 26, 2009

Something to pray about...

Vermon and I have had a whirlwind of the last 3 weeks! We have been presented with the wonderful opportunity to become foster parents to a beautiful 4 year old girl and her wonderful 7 year old brother. The timing is about 7 months ahead of schedule for when we were planning on having kids and it isn't at all perfect with our lives and my career, but after meeting these wonderful children and seeing months continuing to pass with no option for them, Vermon and I felt we needed to strongly consider and pray about it...

There were a lot of factors that needed to fall into place before we could say yes. We needed a 3 bedroom house to pass state licensure standards, I needed to be able to come home from work earlier then 9pm, and Vermon needed a little creativity/flexibility with his schedule until I finish out some commitments I have at Sojourner. We started praying and both felt that these two precious children were clearly put in our path for a reason and we need to do whatever we can to ensure they have a Christ-centered, loving, safe, and nurturing home that they could go to together.

Please pray for us! Working as much as I do and getting ready to parent kids with deep needs is a little overwhelming right now, but I know God will give us the energy and strength. The kids have begun spending every weekend with us and will do that through March. In March we should close on our house and finish the licensing and then they will be with us permanently. the next 30 days we will be moving into a 3 bedroom just down the street, buying dozens of children's books, making many trips to the park, vastly shifting our priorities, reading parenting books, and adding two special additions to our family!

What a privilege God has given us!

(Once it is official I will post pictures and more details to the story (which is so obviously the Lord's doing!))