Thursday, June 16, 2005

1 Corinthians 9: 19-13 (The Message)
“Even though I am free of the demands and expectations of everyone, I have voluntarily become a servant to any and all in order to reach a wide range of people: religious, nonreligious, meticulous moralists, loose-living immoralists, the defeated, the demoralized - whoever. I didn't take on their way of life. I kept my bearings in Christ - but I entered their world and tried to experience things from their point of view. I've become just about every sort of servant there is in my attempts to lead those I meet into a God-saved life. I did all this because of the Message. I didn't just want to talk about it; I wanted to be in on it!”

I was in Boston last night/ today and as I walked the streets I tried very hard to look into the faces of as many people as possible. (I hope no one caught me staring :)) It is such a culturally diverse seemed like every person we passed by was from a different ethnic background...every person we stopped to ask for directions (which, for those of you who know me, happened on more then one occasion) had a different accent. As I walked around the city I was just blown away with how many people from all over the world there are to reach in just one many different opportunities we pass up on a daily bases to connect with someone because we don’t have a way to connect.
The more “languages” we can speak, the greater platform of influence we have. The more cultures I understand, the more I can speak to the heart of those who seemingly have nothing “in common” with me. I believe that every person we encounter, we should be able to find something to connect with them on. As I walked around the city yesterday I just had an increasing desire to start to dig into the lives of those around me and figure out what makes them who they are... I want to know where they are coming from and hopefully be able to learn their “language” and speak God’s message to their heart in a way they can understand.
There is this awesome group that just started up here in Rhode Island called Prodigy (check out the website for more info: and the first week we talked about “touch points.” Touch Points are things we experience that help us to connect with other people...I think it would be really neat to create touch points by getting to know committed followers of other religions...maybe that would help me understand what they believe, why they believe it, and give me more ways to know how to show them the truth?


Edward Cross said...

I want to go there even more now!

I wish we could take random people aside to "dig into their lives" without those lives thinking we're crazy. =P said...

I think most of the people we see on an every day basis "wish" that someone would take the time to dig into their life. Depending on who they are, they might think it is a litte strange for someone to be "digging" but I think there are ways we can do it that make people feel really comfortable and loved. What Dale said, "That encapsulates the desire that God places in us to desperately love this world." made me think... if God's desire is that we love this world, then this world must have a desire to experience God's love by us. They do not even realize that they need it or want it, but deep down I believe every one who is lost wants someone to reach out and touch them.

Edward Cross said...

Just so you know Dennae, I didn't say what I said to be mean. I was just kidding. =D

And I agree, I think a lot of people (including myself) would love to have someone show interest in their life. In fact, personally that would make me feel very loved.

Anonymous said...

Deannae. I love you and I miss you. So toinght I was out with Brian and Monica and I asked Faith, "Who's lost?" She said, "Dennae."


Call me more often. Love the blog, maybe now I'll be able to keep up with your life a little easier :).

I suppose maybe I'll have to find an excuse to come visit you in Boston.... said...

I didn't take it as mean... I just think that sometimes (at least I do this) we put up barriers, not wanting to scare people away. But I think people are much more open then we long as we can build a bridge and the bridge is our sincere desire to get to know who, what, and why they are.

Edward Cross said...

Do you think the enemy ever builds up those barriers? Or at least kind of encourages the growth of the fear of scaring people away?

Anonymous said...

I know how you feel about Boston. I know that when i lived there, even being as young as i was i remember the different inner city outreaches we had with our church. I remember seeing all of the kids and their families and thinking that i couldn't believe how many different types of people The Lord made. I still feel this burning passion to touch them all, let them know that God made us all so different, and yet so alike in that we have a Father in Heaven who made us and loves us so much that He would die for us. So much that he gave us this incoruptable beauty in Him...(that was for you Nae) :)