Sunday, June 10, 2007

Red Sox Fever

This isn't going to be one of my deeper/challenging posts...just a random observation...

Last night was such an interesting experience. I was sitting at a Red Sox vs. Diamondbacks game in Phoenix Arizona with Vermon and 20+ of my closest family members (some of which flew from new england to watch the 3 game inter-leauge series). You NEVER would have known we were in Phoenix. 9.5 out of 10 people were wearing Red Sox paraphernalia (the other 5% was a mix of D-backs stuff and Yankees stuff). When the jumbo trons came on, trying to rally the croud to root, "D-back" the crowd burst out in a wave of "Red Sox"...when the D-backs got a good call, boos...when the red sox made a good play...Case Field erupted in cheers.

I think the high light of the night was when some Red Sox fans who had one (or 4) too many $6 beers started cheering, "Yankees Suck" (I think chanting that phrase over and over was more fun for my 8 and 10 year old cousins then the Red Sox actually playing!) I couldn't help but feel bad for the D-backs...getting booed while on their home field. But not too bad to not enjoy the Red Sox win in overtime.

Okay...honestly, I didn't care at all about the game. Vermon and I just went to be with everyone. It was so exciting to be a part of my younger cousins excitement...and memories. They were in New England Heaven. I spent much more time watching them cheer, hoot, hollar, and laugh then I did watch the game (although, I did see the great play that tied the game...pretty exciting :)).

This is an obvious parallel...but it is remarkable to me that millions of men can be so passionate about the point of tearing when their team wins the World Series, Super Bowl, the point of HATING or disdaining a team like the Yankees...yet these same men struggle with their passion for God and even more so for people. I don't get it. It is interesting that people can get so excited about something that does nothing for humanity and means nothing in light of eternity, yet feel no conviction about their belief in God meaning nothing in their every day life.

(Disclaimer: not saying there is anything wrong about loving a long as they aren't the Yankees ;))